My parents were never big fans of Halloween. My mom, in particular, didn't like the idea of celebrating fear. We were encouraged to dress up in costumes that were creatively inspired or light in nature, preferably homemade. This made for some interesting elementary school parade appearances. My 2nd grade ice skating costume was strong, but the 3rd grade "butterfly" ensemble mom put together, made of old house sheets and scribbled on crayola designs was ambiguous at best and embarrassing at worst. The pitiful, droopy moth was not as awesome as my sister's last-minute balloon-man costume my dad came up with, which was simply a giant garbage bag adorned with haphazardly attached balloons which popped intermittently throughout the day, making the costume increasingly depressing to behold.
Perhaps this is why halloween has always been about creativity and humor to me more than witches and warlocks. It is a night of sweetness and play--laughing in the face of fear. May all of our patrons (many of which have become friends) have a magical night full of laughter and great fun.
Happy Halloween!!!
(carving brought to you by our 15 year old daughter Chaylee. She has a bizarre gift for carving pumpkins)
